
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Removing Netflix Desktop from Xubuntu 12 10

Due to recent updates to Xubuntu 12.10, the Netflix Desktop application might no longer work on your Xubuntu 12.10 PC. If so, you might wish to uninstall Netflix Desktop completely because its old files might interfere with a possible future version. This document explains how to install Synaptic Package Manager, and then use it to uninstall Netflix Desktop completely.

Installing Synaptic Package Manager
In my experience, for uninstalling software, the Synaptic Package Manager works better than the Ubuntu Software Center. To install Synaptic on Xubuntu 12.10, do the following:

1 - Click Applications Manager (white mouse, upper left), and then click Ubuntu Software Center to open its window.
2 - Type synaptic in the search field.
3 - Select Synaptic Package Manager, click Install and then type your password.
4 - Click Authenticate, and then wait for the installation to complete.
5 - Close the Ubunutu Software Center.

Uninstalling Netflix Desktop
To uninstall Netflix Desktop completely, do the following:

1 - As shown in Figure 1, click Applications Manager (white mouse), select System and then click Synaptic Package Manager to open it.

Figure 1 - Opening Synaptic Package Manager.

2 - As shown in Figure 2, type netflix into the Quick-filter field.

Figure 2 - Preparing to remove Netflix Desktop packages.

3 - Right-click netflix-desktop, and then click Mark for Complete Removal.
4 - Right-click wine-compholio, and then click Mark for Complete Removal.
5 - Click Apply, wait for the Change-applied window and then click Close.
6 - Close the Synaptic Package Manager window, and then reboot your Xubuntu 12.10 PC.

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