
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Know the Causes of PDF File Corruption and How to Repair it

Like all other documents, PDF files may also get corrupt. There are several causes of PDF file corruption. When pdf file get damaged, it will generate several type of error messages. All error messages depend on causes of corruption. In the pdf file corruption situation you cannot open pdf documents or if it open then garbage data displayed. In this following post I will discuss about causes which leads to PDF file corruption and its solution.

Causes of PDF File Corruption: There could be much reason due to which PDF files may get corrupt. Some of most common causes are listed below.

  1. Improper Download Process: Most of PDF files are get corrupt due to incorrect downloading process. If Internet connection is disconnected while downloading PDF file then it has huge possibility that file get corrupt.

  1. Incorrect Creation process: There are several PDF creation programs are available some uses simple algo other uses very complicated process to create PDF file. It is possible that some programs could not able to create PDF file correctly so when user upload on Internet, it doesnt works and generate some error message.
  2. Incompatible Viewer Program: There are several PDF file viewer programs are available to view PDF. But all viewer programs don’t compatible with every PDF creator software. So it may get corrupt or generate incompatibility error.
  3. Improper system shutdown: While creating PDF file if suddenly system get shutdown then opened PDF document will damage.
  4. Virus attack: Like other documents virus or malware attack leads to PDF corruption.

Solutions: Corrupt PDF file can be repair and you can retrieve back your valuable data.Use these methods to repair corrupt PDF document.

  1. Adobe Acrobat has a built-in repair tool that automatically repairs PDF documents during the opening process. But this utility doesnt repair all damaged files. It works only when PDF files minor damaged.
  2. Third party PDF repair software will be very helpful if PDF file is severely damaged. These tools uses advanced and sophisticated algorithm to scan corrupt PDF file and remove corruption causes. Find advance PDF repair software which is compatible with your system configuration.

Hopefully the above post help reader to solve PDF corruption problem.

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