
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Submit Your Website or Blog in Search Engines for Free

Web developer or blogger already know that it is not a very easy task to drive traffic from search engines. It takes huge time to perform SEO activities for a site. Forum posting, article writing, social connection, back linking, keyword selection and so many tasks need to be performed for SEO. 

But the most important task is to submit your site in the search engines. The most popular search engines are Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. Besides there are thousands of small search engines available in the web. 

But the submission is a very time consuming task. Specially when you need to submit your site to the search engines one by one. And this is very critical too. For your convenience there are also some sites that make your task easy. All you need to do is just submit your website or blog to those sites and they will automatically submit your site to the search engines. 

  1. Diggza
  2. Free Web Submission
  3. Add URL Free
  4. Add Me
  5. Submit Express

All of the above sites will submit your web or blog to the search engines for free. The procedure differ slightly. But the basic procedure is same. 

  • Youve to submit your sites URL and your Email ID.
  • Then agree with their terms and conditions.
  • Check your Email and confirm submission if asked.
  • And resubmit your site once in a month. 

  • You dont need to submit your site in all of the above sites. Choose one or two of them that is suitable for you. 
  • Use an alternative Email instead of your primary Email. Because you may receive many unnecessary messages from those sites.
  • Dont submit your sites very often. 
  • Only submit your home page URL (ie. 

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